Kobe Bryant si scaglia contro le tante critiche dei media
Kobe Bryant si scaglia contro i media per le tante critiche anche ai giocatori più forti

Dopo aver difeso Russell Westbrook, Kobe Bryant si è scagliato contro i media per le tante critiche, anche nei confronti dei giocatori più forti.
Ppl will always find a way to critique Only way to shut up critics is to WIN That's the challenge myself and Mj accepted #CantcritiqueRings
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) 14 Aprile 2015
Media critique- Mj was a gunner Magic was a coach killer Shaq wasn't serious Lbj couldn't handle pressure Spurs r too old #BeforeRings
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) 14 Aprile 2015
The point is we ALL go through it The criticism The Praise The wins The losses The hero The villain Its a beautiful cycle #LoveIt #Process
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) 14 Aprile 2015
Lbj doesn't need to prove that @PaulBrahan I had Shaq + Pau Mj had Pip Magic had Worthy + Kareem etc AND we all had great teammates
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) 14 Aprile 2015
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