Brandon Jennings: Kobe Bryant è il più grande di sempre
Le parole della point guard dei Pistons

Brandon Jennings su Twitter ha detto che Kobe Bryant è il più grande di tutti i tempi. Più di Michael Jordan perché il supporting cast di MJ era superiore a quello di Kobe.
Micheal Jordan had more “Help” winning his rings then Kobe. #debate #yallfightingthat
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
Kobe Had Shaq. MJ had Pippen, Dennis, Ron Harper, Horace Grant, Steve Kerr, Toni Kukoc, John Paxson, B. J. Armstrong. — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
“@Jake_OohKillEm: @BrandonJennings what r u trying to say!?” – Kobe really the greatest ever
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
MJ never won without Pippen. Kobe won 2 rings without another great on his team. Kobe is The Goat — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
People always telling me Kobe Bryant greatest is Tricky. But MJ supporting cast was better then Kobe’s. Hmm
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
It’s only one player compared to MJ, and that’s Kobe. Now Kobe change the mindset of a lot of players today!!! #Fact #SitUpinClass — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
MJ & Tim Duncan both had better supporting cast then Kobe. #Fact #SitUpinClass #LookattheFacts
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
Ron Harper is better PG, then any PG Kobe ever had — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
Scott Pippen…. We don’t even have to say.
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
Dennis Rodman…. Come on now! Not even close — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
Y’all caught up in the moment look at the facts….
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
This not about who’s better between MJ & Kobe. I just feel MJ supporting case was better. #Facts — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 19, 2014
The debate wasn’t about who’s the better player. It was about who had the better Supporting Cast. Winning Rings!!!!
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 20, 2014 — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) August 20, 2014
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