Tofas wins against Hacettepe 87-79
Tofas wins 87-79 against Hacettepe. Steve Burtt led his team Tofas with 21 points+4 rebounds+7 assists, Chinemelu Elonu added 15 points+9 rebounds, Austin Nichols nailed 12 points, Josh Heytvelt had 15 points+8 rebounds+2 assists and Can Altintig finished the game with 10 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals. Tomislav Ruzic also had 11 points+3 rebounds for the winners side. Polat Kaya scored 15 points, grabbed 2 rebounds, made 3 assits, Onder Kulcebas added 14 points and 2 rebounds for Hacettepe.