Halcones Rojos de Veracruz pounce on Jeremiah Samarrippas
There's a third team interested in the young rookie

The Jeremiah Samarrippas' saga has arrived into a new chapter.
Yesterday Soles de Mexicali presented a three-year contract to the player, but today another team has come into contention: Halcones Rojos de Veracruz, source told Sportando.
The best team in Mexico last year asked for informations about the rookie but nothing concerning contracts has already been discussed by the parts.
Soles are strongly trying to reach the agreement with the player.
Yesterday Soles de Mexicali presented a three-year contract to the player, but today another team has come into contention: Halcones Rojos de Veracruz, source told Sportando.
The best team in Mexico last year asked for informations about the rookie but nothing concerning contracts has already been discussed by the parts.
Soles are strongly trying to reach the agreement with the player.