Mike Hall: In A mi hanno offerto il ruolo di titolare a $60k e alla mia riserva hanno offerto $150K
Hall con un nuovo show su Twitter in cui parla anche di alcune sue storie incredibili: dalla multa a Milano per aver detto che c'erano dei ritardi, alle sigarette fumate all'intervallo in Venezuela alla bici datagli in Argentina

Hall ha poi aggiunto che squadre di Serie A2 di medio livello sono pronte ad offrirgli due o tre volte tanto quello che gli viene offerto in Serie A.
A quick story to show how crazy/dumb overseas hoops can be: A 1st league team called me to “tutor” a young player from the 2nd league...I’d start and he’d be my backup...even had me call to recruit him...then they offered him 150K and me 60. LOL stop playing on my phone
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I really think participation in Serie A should be finance based...like every July all the teams in Italy go to the federation and prove how much money they have and the top 16 get to play
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
Injuries, getting cut, making way more money than I deserve, playing for free just to return to a country I love, being older than my coach, getting suspended for social media, and everything in between...I’ve seen it all and pretty sure no one has had a career like mine
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I just try to do it all MY way and share these stories with y’all...because it will be over before you know it
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
This has definitely been the weirdest off season for me...some of the “poorest” 2nd league teams, even one that was just in 3rd league, offering 2x and almost 3x more than first league. I get it, more responsibility with only 2 Americans, but it’s still weird
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
Hey young hooper, your agent is friends with that GM...he owes this coach a favor...the president of that team hates him. There’s a bunch of reasons why you’re signing (or not signing) to that team that you don’t even know. Do your research!
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
And to think, my European career all started because Jumaine Jones signed 2 contracts at the same time and was disqualified by FIBA...that’s how I ended up in Milan. My career has been weird since Day 1
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I got nothing to do for the next hour so I’ll post some of my favorite (and safe lol) stories from overseas.....
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I’m pretty sure I was the 1st player ever suspended for social media....I wrote on Facebook in 2009 that Milan was late with a payment (2 weeks...I was spoiled lol) and they fined me 5000 euro and suspended me a game. I went to the club and handed out 20 bottles of champagne
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I went to Venezuela and at halftime my team walked right past the locker room and went outside. I’m like “where y’all going?!?” They said “cigarette break papi...”. The whole team. Coach included. I was on a flight the next week
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
I was in Argentina and was like “umm so when do I get my car?” They were like “car? jajaja” and handed me a bike. There was also a hole in the roof of the gym so if it rained...PRACTICE CANCELLED! And it was still some of the most money I ever made. Weird
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
In Teramo we lost to Milan the 1st game in OT then 2 games later lost on a out of bounds buzzer beater alley oop by @Flight8 with less than a second on the clock. They cut me but didn’t want to pay so they made practice with 15 yr olds hoping I’d miss and they could void my deal
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
In the Dleague a teammate got stuck on the elevator and was late for the bus to leave...not to a game, to leave the city...and the coach was like “Leave his ass!” I protested...@JMCIII had to separate me from the coach...I wasn’t on the team anymore like 2 weeks later
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
In Spain, we were in Eurochallenge playoffs and doing well...but losing in ACB. So the president came in at halftime and said “if y’all win another game in Eurochallenge all y’all fired!” So the coach played all the 17 year olds the entire second half
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
In Italy we were in the Italian Cup Final...timeout...down 1...I think I had like 27 points...and the coach drew up some bullshit for someone else and we lost. I walked straight past the team bus to the train and went to Milan in gym shorts and drank for 3 straight days crying
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
In Italy a team tried to make me and another guy share a house...wait...not a house...A DENTIST OFFICE. Like they threw 2 beds in the waiting rooms and stuffed the dentist equipment in another. People would still ring the bell to get their teeth cleaned
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
My 1st year I invited the entire team out for my birthday...we went to Nobu...NOBODY TOLD ME THAT YOU PAY FOR EVERYBODY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IN EUROPE...10 grown men eating unlimited sushi and champagne. They had to call Mr Armani because my bank card was not ready for that shit
— MH (@_Michaelinho) 12 luglio 2018
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