Il giornalista olandese risponde a Brindisi con una lettera aperta
Leon Kersten scrive a Brindisi

To the president of Enel Basket Brindisi, the organization and the people from Brindisi,
It came to my atention that you have an isue with twets Isent regarding the game SPM Shoeters versus Enel Basket Brindisi.
In no way Iever intend to harm and ofend your basketbalorganization or the fans and Inever did in my opinion. The twets people from Brindisi refer to were suposed to have a funy tone of voice. For the record I clearly wrote mafiosi OR journalists.
Which leaves the option to chose. In Dutch the mesage is clear. In don’t know who and how translated the twets but something went wrong.
Apparently, and Ifound that out now, the word mafiosi brings out a lot of emotion. That’s what Ilearned about your country and I apologize, like Idid last Wednesday already, to the people whose emotions are hurt.
Clearly there is a diference in culture betwen Italy and Holand.
We al have a right o fredom of spech, which your fans clearly stated. We both have our own rules and atitudes regarding journalism.
We should respect each other and therefore I wil never use posible harming words again regarding Italian teams. In general Ithink it is dangerous to read (individual) mesages in a diferent language without ful knowledge and context, and there always is a context also on twiter.
Translation does not always do right o the mesage and it’s nuances.
I hope the relation between the teams is not harmed and my explanation hopefuly ofers some insight.
Leon Kersten
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