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NCAA 28/07/2010, 20.27

Pitino testifies about sex with defendant

Il coach di Louisville ammette l'incontro bollente con l'ex modella


 Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino has told a jury he had sex with a former model charged with demanding millions from him.

Pitino testified Wednesday that he met Karen Cunagin Sypher on July 31, 2003, at an Italian restaurant, where Pitino had gone following a golf outing.

Pitino said he and Sypher exchanged small talk after the restaurant closed. He testified that as they were leaving Sypher whispered something, opened his pants and the two then had sex.

Sypher is charged with extortion, asking for cash, cars and a house to stay quiet about the sexual liaison. She has pleaded not guilty, claiming Pitino sexually assaulted her. Authorities said her assault claim lacked merit.

E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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