Baskonia wins against Barcelona and advances to Supercopa Endesa final
Final result: 76-79

Baskonia wins against Barcelona with the final result of 76-79 and advances to the Supercopa Endesa final. The team coached by Pedro Martinez dominated the first half, finishing with a 15-point lead, but in the second half, Barcelona tried to rally back, thanks especially to Kyle Kuric and his three-pointers. In the final minutes, Baskonia was able to finalize his effort and closing the game.
Patricio Garino is the top scorer for Baskonia with 16 points and 3 steals, former Aquila Basket Trento Shavon Shields finished with 13 points, while Vincent Poirier had 10 points and 8 rebounds. Kyle Kuric was the top scorer for Barcelona with 16 points, while Victor Claver finished with 13 points and 4 rebounds. Newcomer Kevin Pangos almost had a double-double in his first game with Barca, finishing with 10 points and 8 assists.