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ACB 26/05/2015, 10.32

ACB assemly renews President Francisco Roca for three years

Francisco Rosa will be president of ACB for three more years

The Spanish League ACB held an Assembly in Madrid yesterday, after which the following release was issued:

" The ACB clubs today unanimously approved the strategic plan presented by President Francisco Roca and renewed their confidence in him as President of the League for the next three years. Francisco Roca explained, as promised in the last Assembly held in Barcelona on May 4, the strategic and operational planning for the next triennium. Roca has shelled the six main lines of research that seeks to promote during this period, which have convinced the clubs.

The first strategic line will affect the competition model. The President committed to redesign the various stages of competitive sport in order to optimize the balance between the number of games played and the quality of the championship, to make it more attractive for everyone.

The new model of television broadcasting, optimization model of relationship with sponsors and the media, modernization and optimization of resources and technological applications and corporate development of the organization, adapting to the new challenges of the environment on exploitation of competitions and its contents define the remaining five strategic points where the League President will work in the next three-year term, until June 2018.

After more than two hours of debate, the clubs have decided to appeal against the decision taken by the CSD ( Government body ruling sports in Spain ) last May 7, which affects the interpretation of the agreement criteria for eligibility agreed in 2011 between the League, the Spanish Federation ( FEB ), and the Players' Association ( ABP ).

The Assembly unanimously rejects the policy change adopted by the CSD amending the eligibility agreement, setting new standards of interpretation for players who wish to register as community using a nationality other than their original one.

The clubs consider that the decision taken by the CSD is inadequate in legal terms and their consequences affect substantially in the ongoing negotiation process on the new framework open with the FEB and the Coaches Association."
E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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