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ACB 23/05/2015, 13.01

ACB annoyed for passports' issues. Board will vote on a new regulation

Board of ACB will vote the new regulation of passports on Monday. They will cut the number of bosman/cotonou down to 3 and will increase "extras" from 2 to 4


Big changes are expected in next board of ACB. The four year contract with Spanish Federation for the number of foreigners is expiring and from next July a new regulation must be approved.


ACB and Spanish Federation are very annoyed about this "corrida" to obtain cotonou passports and so they will vote a new regulation that cuts the number of bosman/cotonou in the roster.


Spain has two type of rules for this season:


2014/15 - Roster with 11 players: 4 Spanish, 5 bosmans/cotonous, 2 extras

2014/15 - Roster with 12 players: 5 Spanish, 5 bosmans/cotonous, 2 extras


Next season looks like ACB will accept only rosters with 12 players with 4 extras and only 3 bosmans/cotonous:


2015/16 - Roster with 12 players: 5 Spanish, 3 bosmans/cotonous, 4 extras.


Many teams will have to take decision around many players in their rosters. This new regulation is designed to discourage players from chasing meaningless passports.

E. Trapani

E. Trapani

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