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ACB 16/03/2015, 14.18 Rumors

Ante Tomic: I am 28, this is my last train to the NBA

The Croatian big man will decide his future after the season

Ante Tomic said at 28 this is his last train to the NBA.
The Croatian big man may go overseas after the season and join the Jazz who own his rights in the association.

Ante Tomic is also talking with Barcelona to extend his contract but he doesn’t want to decide now his future.

“My future? All the doors are open. Everything is possible. At 28, right now this is my last train to the NBA. But I don’t know anything about it. I have some options but I don’t want to decide it now” said Tomic to El Mundo Deportivo. “I am talking with Barcelona to extend my contract. But there is also the NBA. We’ll see what happens after the season” added the Croatian big man. “I don’t have a deadline to decide my future”.
E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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