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ACB 26/08/2014, 10.00 Rumors

Gigi Datome confirms the interest of Barcelona but he wants just NBA

Datome wants to play in the NBA

Gigi Datome confirmed to La Gazzetta dello Sport that FC Barcelona showed interest for him to replace Kostas Papanikolaou but he will remain in the NBA. Datome has one year left with the Pistons and he wants to show to be an NBA caliber player after a difficult rookie season.

"I want to play at least one more year in the NBA. This is the reason why I have signed for two seasons with the Pistons because several players have difficulties during their rookie seasons" said Datome. "It is great to know that one of the most important basketball teams in Europe is interested in me. They did not offer me and we did not have any negotiation but I talked with my agent and we decided together to remain in NBA" added the captain of Italian NT.
E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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