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ACB 03/08/2013, 11.19 Rumors

Unicaja Malaga very close to Carlos Suarez and Rafael Hettsheimer

Interest in Nacho Martin, but...


Unicaja Malaga is very active on the free agency and very close to sign Carlos Suarez and Rafael Hettsheimer from Real Madrid. Suarez is only waiting for release and severance pay from real Madrid, and then he will sign with Malaga. Suarez turned down an annual offer from Valencia. Hettsheimer is less close but close. Preliminary contacts between the parts have been fruitful and so the negotiation will enter in a more important phase. The siganture of Carlos Suarez will let Zoran Dragic free to go on loan to Murcia and come back to Malaga in 2014, when the club will decide if extend his contract for two more seasons.
About Nacho Martin: the player has many offers from Spain, Germany and France, but for now he's waiting for the good one. Before signing him Malaga has to released Augusto Cesar Lima.

E. Trapani

E. Trapani

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