Allen Iverson to end up his career in Australia?
The Answer sogna di giocare a Sidney

Allen Iverson announced that he would like to finish his career in Australia in case he cannot return to NBA after his stint in Turkey with Besiktas, with whom he signed a two-year contract.
This is what AI wrote: "I hear Sydney is a real good city to live in. my boy Rodney O asked me to come over. I am comin!"
Allen Iverson would love to play in Sidney and, so far, the only team from the city are the Kings.
Sydney Kings CEO Bob Turner quipped: "Tell you what, it would stop everybody talking about our need for a point guard, even though he's actually a shooting guard.
"But our salary cap might take a battering."
Rodney Overby, the voice of the Kings, like AI, is from Philadelphia.
"I would love for AI to come to the land Down Under and I would love for him to come to the Sydney Kings because we do need a point guard," Overby told The Daily Telegraph. "AI was one of the premier guards in the world. He would bring an unprecedented swagger to the NBL" said, as reported by The Daily Telegraph.