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Serie A 07/10/2017, 10.04

Bogdan Tanjevic's idea to "save" Italian basketball: 4 foreigners and 8 Italians in Serie A

Tanjevic would love to have the rule that obliges teams to have always two Italians on the court in Serie A but it won't happen

Serie A
Bogdan Tanjevic was hired by the Italian Basketball Federation as technical director of all the National Teams and to “save” Italian basketball.
Tanjevic spoke with La Gazzetta dello Sport about his proposals to save Italian basketball starting from the top division, Serie A.

“Serie A has awful rules, to change as soon as possible. Two Italians always on the court would be the perfect solution but I know it is hard to implement. The solution is to reduce the number of the foreigners. Today the Serie A teams play with 7 foreigners (the rules in Italy are 3+4+5 or 5+5. With the first rule maximum 3 “Americans”, 4 European and 5 Italians. With the second rule 5 Foreigners without any distinction on the passports and 5 Italians). It is absurd. Each team plays with 8 athletes, maximum 9. So the Italians never play. We can start with 6 foreigners (without distinction on passport) and 6 Italians. And decrease the number each season. In two years we will have the rule of 4 foreigners and 8 Italians. That would be interesting and we will see Italians on the court.”
E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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