Kresimir Loncar, Robin Benzing and Maurice Stuckey leaving S.Oliver Würzburg
The trio won't wear the jersey of Würzburg next season

Krešimir Lončar, Robin Benzing and Maurice Stuckey leaving S.Oliver Würzburg.
The top three German scorers are leaving the club which may cut the budget for next season.
Robin Benzing 17.6 ppg, Maurice Stuckey 11.7 ppg and Krešimir Lončar 11.6 ppg are now free agents.
The top three German scorers are leaving the club which may cut the budget for next season.
Robin Benzing 17.6 ppg, Maurice Stuckey 11.7 ppg and Krešimir Lončar 11.6 ppg are now free agents.