BC Donetsk lands Doron Perkins
La PG arriva da Cantù

Getting ready for the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Qualifying Round next September, BC Donetsk announced the addition of ace Doron Perkins for the upcoming season. Perkins (1.89 meters, 29 years old) arrives from Bennet Cantu where last season he played in two Top 16 games averaging 10.0 points and 7.5 rebounds. He suffered a severe injury at the end of the 2010-11 season when he was playing with Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv and that had him sidelined for most of the last campaign before he recovered in time to join Cantu. Over two seasons with Maccabi, Perkins was remarkably consistent, averaging 9.4 points, 3.5 assists and 1.4 steals in 25 minutes per game. He was considered one of the top on-the-ball defenders in the competition. BC Donetsk will be opening the Qualifying Round, which will take place in Desio - the home of his former team Bennet Cantu - with a game against Le Mans Sarthe Basket of France.
Sportando's David Pick first report the news days ago.