Azovmash Mariupol planning next season
La squadra ucraina pianifica la prossima stagione

After renewing the contract with the Lithuanian coach Rimas Girskis Azovmash Mariupol has sent to plan the next season. His assistant will be Sergey Zavalin. The first aim of the team is to keep its core for the next season.
Dijon Thompson, Hasan Rizvic, Richard Guinn, Marius Prekevicius, Bogdan Bayda, Oleksandar Skutyelnik, Rolandas Jarutis plus Maxim Ivshin led the team to winning the Ukrainian double and Azovmash will try to keep all of them.
That doesn't mean that Azovmash isn't looking to sign new players on the contrary they are interested in any player that could help them next season, starting with Mladen Šljivančanin, from CSK VVS Samara.
Azovmash will travel to Klaypeda, Lithuania for the first part of their training camp, before traveling to Bormeo, Italy for the second part of the training camp.