Goliakhov's here again
Interessate il Poltava, il Politekhnika ed il Ferro

BC Poltava added another guard. After Ricky Clemons has been out of Ukraine Poltava had to find somebody to help Saulius Kazevicius. Young Aleksei Goliakhov (190-G-84) became the best solution for Ramunas Cvirka's team. Russian guard is known in Ukraine by season 2007/08 performance in BC Odesa and Politekhnika, FBU informs.
Politekhnika (UBL) parted ways with Aleksandar Djuric (210-F/C-82) as well as Ferro-ZNTU (UBL) decided to say good-bye to Gert Dorbek (190-G-85). Serbian has to threat his injury in Austria. Estonian seemed to play a bad level.