SAM Basket Massagno keeps Magnani, Andjelkovic and coach Gubitosa
First market movements for the new season of the Swiss club

SAM Basket Massagno announced that Daniel Andjelkovic and Marco Magnani will be part of the roster of the new season, again under the instructions of coach Robbi Gubitosa.
For Magnani will be the third year whit the team, he closed this season with 9.0ppg, 3.1rpg and 4.4apg.
Andjelkovic joined Massagno in 2011, and he had 6.1ppg with 4.6rpg in 2016/17.
For Magnani will be the third year whit the team, he closed this season with 9.0ppg, 3.1rpg and 4.4apg.
Andjelkovic joined Massagno in 2011, and he had 6.1ppg with 4.6rpg in 2016/17.