LNA: Fribourg wins 4-2 against Neuchatel and celebrates the title
The Olympic won the championship number 16, 8 years after the last succes

After a really balanced Final Olympic Fribourg became the new LNA champion, winning the final series for 4-2 against Neuchatel, in the challenge between the two best teams of the regular season.
For the new champions (title number 16) another victory after the last one 8 seasons ago. Another defeat in final for Neuchatel, like during past season against Geneva.
80-63 the final score of the decisive game-6.
For Fribourg it was really important the effort of Jonathan Kazadi, great performances also from Williamson, Wright and Miljanic. Across for Neuchatel really good season of Babacar Toure (18ppg and 12rpg), good final series for Brown, Mathis and Savoy.
For the new champions (title number 16) another victory after the last one 8 seasons ago. Another defeat in final for Neuchatel, like during past season against Geneva.
80-63 the final score of the decisive game-6.
For Fribourg it was really important the effort of Jonathan Kazadi, great performances also from Williamson, Wright and Miljanic. Across for Neuchatel really good season of Babacar Toure (18ppg and 12rpg), good final series for Brown, Mathis and Savoy.