Tension between coach Zeljko Obradovic and agent Misko Raznatovic?
Raznatovic posted a tweet that many considered as an attack against Obradovic

As reported by Serbian website Zurnal.rs, there's a controversy going on in Serbia right now regarding a tweet that agent Misko Raznatovic, leader of BeoBasket agency, posted this evening and that many people considered as an attack against coach Zeljko Obradovic, head coach of Fenerbahce. Raznatovic and Obradovic had past issues regarding the transfer of Vassilis Spanoulis from Panathinaikos to Olympiacos back in 2010 when Obradovic was coaching Panathinaikos.
The timing of this supposed 'attack' against Obradovic is kind of strange because Raznatovic yesterday brought one of his clients, former no.1 pick Anthony Bennett, to Fenerbahce and then kept another of his clients, Bobby Dixon, with the team with a contract extension until 2019.
In the tweet, the agent said: Many Serbian are questioning themselves, if the biggest is really the biggest, when he's loosing so easily.
Veliki broj Srba se jutros sa tugom upitao, da li je najveci zaista najveci, kada tako lako gubi.......prijatelje, tj. drugove!
— Misko4Raznatovic (@MiskoRaznatovic) 13 gennaio 2017
As Zurnals.rs mentioned, in negotiating the extension of Bobby Dixon, around $2.8 mln in two years, and the signing of Anthony Bennett, his deal is worth around $400k, Raznatovic made a $300k commission. For this reason this tweet, written right after the conclusion of the deal, was seen as unfair toward Obradovic.