Lokomotiv Kuban: 'Yogev Ohayon will play for us from next season'
Another 'fight' between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Lokomotiv Kuban to come?

After quiet months, the battle between Lokomovit Kuban and Maccabi Tel Aviv for Yogev Ohayon is ready to heating up.
On NRG, Lokomotiv Kuban claimed that the Israeli point guard will play in Russia from next season, as FIBA ruled last summer.
Last summer Lokomotiv Kuban signed Yogev Ohayon to a multi-year deal but after a long legal battle with the Yellows from Tel Aviv, the Israeli International re-signed with Maccabi Tel Aviv till 2016.
But the Russian powerhouse now claims that Ohyaon has to move to Russian from next season because they have paid already 200.000 USD to Maccabi Tel Aviv as buyout for the player's exit from the current contract.
Lokomotiv Kuban also announced that they will not enter in dialogue with Maccabi Tel Aviv and that they will have contacts just with the player who got an email from the Russian club who says that he will get soon the schedules for the next pre-season.
"Yogev Ohayon will play for Lokomotiv Kuban next season" said the GM of the Russian team. "He will be one of the key players of our project. I am not interested in what Maccabi will say. The Israeli team got 200.000 USD from us and FIBA confirmed that the amount is valid for the upcoming season as buyout for the player" added the manager of the team.
Maccabi Tel Aviv declined to comment on the issue.