Vatutin denied that Messina has already extended the contract
Prima la notizia della firma poi la smentita di Vatutin

Andrei Vatutin CEO of CSKA, denied on the news reported by Lietuvos Rytas which announced that coach Ettore Messina extended the contract with CSKA until the end of the season 2009/10.
"I am very surprised for the reports which come from Lithuanian media. In the last days they have been the main supplier of news on CSKA. I am pleased to know that Siskauskas has already re-sign and that Morris will leave at the end of the season. I won't be surprised if tomorrow they will write that Vatutin passed from basketball to badminton. Coach Messina has an option to extend the contract with us. So we are waiting his decision. As far as I know, I will give us the final answer at the end of the season. Today I met him but we did not talk about his contract. Since now, I did not sign anything" said Vatutin.