Samara lost the coach and the foreign players
Dopo la partita di Eurochallenge, c'è stato l'esodo dal Samara che non ha più i soldi per pagare i giocatori

As confirmed by Samara GM Dmitry Shlyakhtin at Rossijskaya Gazeta, coach Valery Tikhonenko and five foreign players left the club due to financial problems of the Russian team (the first was Perry last week).
The club cannot paid the salaries of the players (they will get just 1/3 of 150 millions of roubles esteemed at the beginning of the season) who decided to leave the team.
Samara lost the last game played in EuroChallenge and with a record of 0-5 is officially out of the competition.
Samara will be coached until the end of the season by Vladislav Konovalov.
One of the players who left is English Andrew Sullivan who confirmed the news at The others are Sam Clancy, Mladjen Sljivancanin and Virgil Stanescu.