Stefan Markovic interview with Sport Klub on Karasev, NT, his shooting and experience with Zenit
The Serbian point guard is having a huge season in Russia with Zenit

Stefan Markovic of Zenit St. Petersburg was interviewed by about his season in Russia, his future, the National Team, his relation with coach Karasev and the EuroLeague.
On his season with Zenit, the best so far in his career:
It all clicked – years of experience, team, the coach. I often say that a lot depends on confidence – without it, even the best have tough stretches. On the other side, when you trust in yourself and coach supports you, everything is way easier. I am in that kind of situation right now – both the coach and teammates believe in me, so I can just enjoy on the court. I am very happy with my status.
How exactly does that look – when “coach supports you“?
When you are aware that sometimes you can make decisions on your own. You know when you make a stupid mistake, there won’t be a negative body language from the coach and substition is not imminent. Then, if there is no such pressure, it is a lot simpler to play from a mental point of view.
On his relationship with coach Karasev:
It is of utmost importance when a coach used to be a top player, then he understands everything that is going on within the team. Of course, depending on your status and position within the team, there are certain tasks you have to fulfill, but Karasev does not put a hevay burden on the players in terms of complicated plays and patterns, he gives players freedom. He is different from most of the coaches and is one of the best regarding relationships with the players – that is how he succeds to draw the best out of every single player.
On experience:
It means a lot – sometimes I literally tell the young players what is going to happen next. Apart from the Euroleague playoffs and Final Four, I have played in every big match in European basketball, with clubs and national team. With time, it gets easier to prepare for what you are up against. I am more mature as a player and as a person now.
When you are a kid, you think differently, your head is “hot“ and you think everything comes easy, but maturity comes with experience – that is why I try to help young players as much as I can, because I can see myself sometimes in the way they are making their decisions. When you are younger, you live in the moment and you do not stop to see the bigger picture.
When he was a junior, Markovic was a deadly three point shooter. What has happened?
The problem started when some coaches were being wise-asses and tried to change my shooting motion as the mechanics was not estetically pretty enough for them. Looking back at that, I would not had let them do it, but when you are young, sometimes you do not know how to say “no“. Later on, it became a mental issue, shooting is oftten a mental thing. I feel really bad for letting them ruin that for me, but basketball is made of other things as well, so I made up for it. It was not crucial for my career, I kept believing in myself and I always looked forward.
On his decision to retire from the Serbian national team:
I did not make that decision overnight, so there is no need for anyone to beg me to come back, I am not a kid. The only reason for that decision is my body, my physical state – I have spent years and years playing in a heavy, packed rhythm, my body simply does not allow for that to go on. I feel bad, it is really hard for me, but I had to make that decision – who knows what would have happened with me had I continued with that harsh tempo.
I came back after a tough injury and I wanted to be a part of the team for thw Olympics qualifications at any cost – later, we fulfilled our dreams, we won silver medal, so let that be a cherry on the top. I am very happy it turned out that way, but even if it had not, my decision would still be the same. Actually, I have made up my mind even before the Olympics, people around me knew that, and so did teammates I am most close with.
He’s been a member of senior Serbian national team since 2007 – memories?
I am not going to lie to you, you dream about medals when you are a kid, they have brought us enormous joy and we knew how to celebrate success, but my favorite memories are friendships made. Especially in the last few years, we were always looking forward to getting back together – it gave us an extra lift, extra power after exhausting seasons with our clubs. We always stuck together, for the good and for the bad.
Stefan’s teammates aleays talk about his energy, team spirit etc.
Yes, I think my main virtue is that I am a team player. There is 12 of us in the team and we work only as a whole, we depend on one another – no matter how good one player is, he cannot win by himself one against five. I love team sports in general, I like the comradery, friendships that last a lifetime. Those are the things that make sport beautiful, that is what I am living for, so I guess my teammates feel how much team spirit means to me and how dedicated I am to it all.
Next season – return to Euroleague?
“I do not think about that, my agents are in charge – when the offers come, they are going to put them on the table. I have got kids now, so we are going to sit down as a family and make a decision depending on where the life is best. You have different criteria when you have got children. But right now my focus is completely on Zenit and getting the best possible spot in the VTB standings before the playoffs. I do not worry about the rest, nor have I ever worried.
On the Euroleague sistem:
As a fan, I am happy that I get to watch so many great games – I just turn on Sport Klub (Euroleague Broadcaster for the ex-Yu territory) and switch channels. The best is yet to come.
Still it is not great for the players, the rhythm is inhumane. Who wins the trophy will depend a lot on freshness and injuies, which are more frequent this season. We have even seen streches where CSKA and Real Madrid were struggling, so it is hard to give a prediction. But Real, CSKA and Fenerbahce are my first choice, even though suprises are possible.
On Crvena zvezda and their great Euroleague season (14-11 so far).
They are playing phenomenal, nobody expected that much wins, I wish them the best of luck and I wish they go as far as they can. Zvezda had asome extrordinary wins, everybody is scared when they come to Belgrade to play against them.
Which games would he like to play all over again?
Ooh, that is a hard question. Surely some game with the national team – we would like to play USA again in the Olympics and World Cup finals. Outcome would have been the same most probably, but us Serbs, we like to dream... We should have played better in Rio, but we had some tough games before that.
In Eurobaske 2009 we were still “green“, Spain destroyed us in the finals. One defeat that we took really hard was the semifinals of the World Cup in 2010 against Turkes. In our sport you have to restart straight away, but we are human as well, so we were not able to do that for the match against 3rd place battle against Lithuania...
As for the club level, I am sorry I was not able to win at least one trophy during my four years in Hemofarm. Also, I miss the Eurocup trophy – I was often close, semis or finals, but I have never won a title. So yeah, those are the areas I would look for to “repeat“ a game or two.
Will Markovic coach?
Oof. The yeas have taught me that the saying “never say never“ really is accurate, but at this moment, I do not see myself being a coach after my playing carrer is over. Still, who knows what might happen, I love sport, I love basketball, so I could end up being a coach.
On his season with Zenit, the best so far in his career:
It all clicked – years of experience, team, the coach. I often say that a lot depends on confidence – without it, even the best have tough stretches. On the other side, when you trust in yourself and coach supports you, everything is way easier. I am in that kind of situation right now – both the coach and teammates believe in me, so I can just enjoy on the court. I am very happy with my status.
How exactly does that look – when “coach supports you“?
When you are aware that sometimes you can make decisions on your own. You know when you make a stupid mistake, there won’t be a negative body language from the coach and substition is not imminent. Then, if there is no such pressure, it is a lot simpler to play from a mental point of view.
On his relationship with coach Karasev:
It is of utmost importance when a coach used to be a top player, then he understands everything that is going on within the team. Of course, depending on your status and position within the team, there are certain tasks you have to fulfill, but Karasev does not put a hevay burden on the players in terms of complicated plays and patterns, he gives players freedom. He is different from most of the coaches and is one of the best regarding relationships with the players – that is how he succeds to draw the best out of every single player.
On experience:
It means a lot – sometimes I literally tell the young players what is going to happen next. Apart from the Euroleague playoffs and Final Four, I have played in every big match in European basketball, with clubs and national team. With time, it gets easier to prepare for what you are up against. I am more mature as a player and as a person now.
When you are a kid, you think differently, your head is “hot“ and you think everything comes easy, but maturity comes with experience – that is why I try to help young players as much as I can, because I can see myself sometimes in the way they are making their decisions. When you are younger, you live in the moment and you do not stop to see the bigger picture.
When he was a junior, Markovic was a deadly three point shooter. What has happened?
The problem started when some coaches were being wise-asses and tried to change my shooting motion as the mechanics was not estetically pretty enough for them. Looking back at that, I would not had let them do it, but when you are young, sometimes you do not know how to say “no“. Later on, it became a mental issue, shooting is oftten a mental thing. I feel really bad for letting them ruin that for me, but basketball is made of other things as well, so I made up for it. It was not crucial for my career, I kept believing in myself and I always looked forward.
On his decision to retire from the Serbian national team:
I did not make that decision overnight, so there is no need for anyone to beg me to come back, I am not a kid. The only reason for that decision is my body, my physical state – I have spent years and years playing in a heavy, packed rhythm, my body simply does not allow for that to go on. I feel bad, it is really hard for me, but I had to make that decision – who knows what would have happened with me had I continued with that harsh tempo.
I came back after a tough injury and I wanted to be a part of the team for thw Olympics qualifications at any cost – later, we fulfilled our dreams, we won silver medal, so let that be a cherry on the top. I am very happy it turned out that way, but even if it had not, my decision would still be the same. Actually, I have made up my mind even before the Olympics, people around me knew that, and so did teammates I am most close with.
He’s been a member of senior Serbian national team since 2007 – memories?
I am not going to lie to you, you dream about medals when you are a kid, they have brought us enormous joy and we knew how to celebrate success, but my favorite memories are friendships made. Especially in the last few years, we were always looking forward to getting back together – it gave us an extra lift, extra power after exhausting seasons with our clubs. We always stuck together, for the good and for the bad.
Stefan’s teammates aleays talk about his energy, team spirit etc.
Yes, I think my main virtue is that I am a team player. There is 12 of us in the team and we work only as a whole, we depend on one another – no matter how good one player is, he cannot win by himself one against five. I love team sports in general, I like the comradery, friendships that last a lifetime. Those are the things that make sport beautiful, that is what I am living for, so I guess my teammates feel how much team spirit means to me and how dedicated I am to it all.
Next season – return to Euroleague?
“I do not think about that, my agents are in charge – when the offers come, they are going to put them on the table. I have got kids now, so we are going to sit down as a family and make a decision depending on where the life is best. You have different criteria when you have got children. But right now my focus is completely on Zenit and getting the best possible spot in the VTB standings before the playoffs. I do not worry about the rest, nor have I ever worried.
On the Euroleague sistem:
As a fan, I am happy that I get to watch so many great games – I just turn on Sport Klub (Euroleague Broadcaster for the ex-Yu territory) and switch channels. The best is yet to come.
Still it is not great for the players, the rhythm is inhumane. Who wins the trophy will depend a lot on freshness and injuies, which are more frequent this season. We have even seen streches where CSKA and Real Madrid were struggling, so it is hard to give a prediction. But Real, CSKA and Fenerbahce are my first choice, even though suprises are possible.
On Crvena zvezda and their great Euroleague season (14-11 so far).
They are playing phenomenal, nobody expected that much wins, I wish them the best of luck and I wish they go as far as they can. Zvezda had asome extrordinary wins, everybody is scared when they come to Belgrade to play against them.
Which games would he like to play all over again?
Ooh, that is a hard question. Surely some game with the national team – we would like to play USA again in the Olympics and World Cup finals. Outcome would have been the same most probably, but us Serbs, we like to dream... We should have played better in Rio, but we had some tough games before that.
In Eurobaske 2009 we were still “green“, Spain destroyed us in the finals. One defeat that we took really hard was the semifinals of the World Cup in 2010 against Turkes. In our sport you have to restart straight away, but we are human as well, so we were not able to do that for the match against 3rd place battle against Lithuania...
As for the club level, I am sorry I was not able to win at least one trophy during my four years in Hemofarm. Also, I miss the Eurocup trophy – I was often close, semis or finals, but I have never won a title. So yeah, those are the areas I would look for to “repeat“ a game or two.
Will Markovic coach?
Oof. The yeas have taught me that the saying “never say never“ really is accurate, but at this moment, I do not see myself being a coach after my playing carrer is over. Still, who knows what might happen, I love sport, I love basketball, so I could end up being a coach.