VTB League unveils budgets of Russian teams for current season
CSKA Moscow leads with €37.7M, then Kuban (18M) and Khimki (14M)

Sergei Ivanov, president of VTB League, officially announced the budgets of the Russian teams for the 2013-2014 season.
(In millions of euros)
CSKA Moscow: 37.7
Lokomotiv Kuban: 18
Khimki: 14
Unics Kazan: 11.2
Enisey Krasnoyarsk: 6.34
Nizhny Novogord: 5.72
Spartak SPB: 5.31
Krasny Oktyabr: 3.9
Krasnye Krylya Samara: 3.3
Triumph Lyubertsy: 3