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Poland 03/06/2016, 15.15

TBL: Stelmet Zielona Gora wins the 2nd consecutive title, 4-0 vs Rosa Radom

Perfect post-season for the champions

Stelmet Zielona Góra won again the Polish title, second consecutive time and third of their history. The final series ended with a clear 4-0 against Rosa Radom, revenge after the defeat in the national cup final.

After a great regular season (28-4) Zielona Gora played also a perfect post-season without defeats, eliminating Asseco and Energa Czarni. Across the other finalist won the series against Kutno in the quarterfinals and Anwil in the semfinals.

The men of coach Sašo Filipovski was dragged to the title by the seasonal MVP Mateusz Ponitka and with the effort of the Finals MVP Dee Bost. Also important the contribution from Koszarek, Borovnjak and Moldoveanu. For the opponents were not enough the performances of Michal Sokolowski, and the experience of CJ Harris, Torey Thomas and Zaytsev.
A. Caporaso

A. Caporaso

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