KR Reykjavik is Dominos League champion for the fifth time in a row
Kristófer Acox leads the team as Finals MVP against UMF Tindastoll

After the fourth place in the regular season the champions won the playoff series against Njardvik and Haukar, closing the year with the 3-1 success in the Finals against Tindastoll Sauoarkrokur.
89-73 win in the last game of the season for KR, another great game for Kristófer Acox (23+15) named Finals MVP. Important the performances during the series for B.Bjornsson, Ermolinskij and the veteran Jon Stefansson, against the losing effort from Birgisson and S.Bjornsson.
KR er Íslandsmeistari Domino's deildar karla 2018 og það fimmta árið í röð eftir úrslitarimmuna við Tindastól.
— KKÍ (@kkikarfa) 29 aprile 2018
Til hamingju KR!