E.C. Matthews signs with Kouvot Kouvola
Matthews ended his career at Rhode Island with averages of 14.8 points and 4.3 rebounds

E.C. Matthews is a new player of Kouvot Kouvola.
The rookie guard ended his career at Rhode Island with averages of 14.8 points and 4.3 rebounds
The rookie guard ended his career at Rhode Island with averages of 14.8 points and 4.3 rebounds
EC Matthews @lil_lamont0 signs a one year deal with Kouvot Kouvola @Kouvot @Korisliiga @Sportando #keucheyansportsmngmt pic.twitter.com/e7X6iNEO5k
— Sevag Keucheyan (@SevagKeucheyan) 16 settembre 2018