Pyrinto Tampere: another season for Ricky Minard, Damon Williams moves to Lapua
The 2016 finalists announced two market movements

Pyrinto Tampere, 2015/16 Korisliiga finalists, announced the confirmation for the American swingman Ricky Minard.
The player started last season in Germany, moving to Finland in November. He helped the team with 13.7ppg, 5.5rpg and 2.4apg.
The club also announced the decision of Damon Williams to leave the team after 9 years. The forward will play with Lapuan Korikobrat. Williams it was one of the best foreign players of the last Korisliiga seasons, closing the 2016 with the defeat in the final series. He was decisive for Tampere with 14.1ppg, 8.8rpg and 3.4apg.
The player started last season in Germany, moving to Finland in November. He helped the team with 13.7ppg, 5.5rpg and 2.4apg.
The club also announced the decision of Damon Williams to leave the team after 9 years. The forward will play with Lapuan Korikobrat. Williams it was one of the best foreign players of the last Korisliiga seasons, closing the 2016 with the defeat in the final series. He was decisive for Tampere with 14.1ppg, 8.8rpg and 3.4apg.