IMPACT BASKETBALL Prague 2014 – special offer of accommodation
IMPACT BASKETBALL will be held for the very first time outside USA: Prague will be other home of one of the most famous basketball brands in USA

Unique basketball training camp IMPACT BASKETBALL Prague 2014 starts in two months, but players can now sign up at the official website of IMPACT BASKETBALL by Joe Abunassar. Players, who will join, spend a great time in the one of the most beautiful European cities – Prague – and can take advantage of the cheap accommodation offer now.
The Czech Republic Capital offers a large range of accommodation – from the most comfortable and expensive hotels to the cheapest ones. Moreover, tourist season will be on August on its top and Prague is one of the most visiting places in Europe. The accommodation can be sold out very soon.
IMPACT BASKETBALL Prague 2014 administrative team secured a special discount for accommodation for the attendees. Players can stay in the family pension Patanka during the camp. The special price for IMPACT BASKETBALL Prague 2014 sign-uped players is 35 USD per night including breakfast.
Pension Patanka is located in Prague district of Dejvice, less than 10 minutes by walk from the IMPACT BASKETBALL Prague venue. The journey to the city center takes 20 minutes by public transport. It is really favorable opportunity for players to enjoy the training camp, comfortable accommodation and night life in the heart of Europe.