Olympiacos opts out of Brian Roberts' contract
The guard is free agent now

Olympiacos opted out of Brian Roberts’ contract for next season.
The former NBA guard averaged 8.3 points, 2.1 rebounds and 2.3 assists in Greek League and 6.9 points, 1.7 rebounds and 1.4 assists in EuroLeague.
The former NBA guard averaged 8.3 points, 2.1 rebounds and 2.3 assists in Greek League and 6.9 points, 1.7 rebounds and 1.4 assists in EuroLeague.
Η ΚΑΕ Ολυμπιακός ενημέρωσε τον Μπράιαν Ρόμπερτς ότι θα κάνει χρήση του όρου opt out που έχει στο συμβόλαιο του. Του ευχόμαστε καλή συνέχεια στην καριέρα του. #OlympiacosBC #WeAreOlympiacos pic.twitter.com/1A3y04JsgR
— Olympiacos B.C. (@olympiacosbc) 27 giugno 2018