Benetton Treviso-Cedevita Zagreb
Zagabria vince 57-59 e conquista il terzo posto.
Benetton Treviso-Cedevita Zagreb 57-59 (12-6, 23-21, 36-37)
Partial scores: 5' 6-3, 10' 12-6, 15' 14-15, 20' 23-21, 25' 30-25, 30' 36-37, 35' 46-46, 40' 57-59
Boxscore on:
Treviso starts with Markovic, Gentile, Smith, Motiejunas, Brunner while Cedevita answers with Draper, Wright,
Bazdaric, Rudez and Vukusic. After 30 seconds Gentile goes to the bench with problems to his shoulder. After a 2+1
of Vukusic Treviso goes on 8-3 relying on his frontcourt, break broken by one free throw scored by Wright and by a
score of Edwards from the paint. Space also for Wojciechowski who dunks the 10-6 for his 4th point. The quarter ends
on 12-6.
The second quarter starts with 2 FTs of Edwards and Motiejunas while the two teams continue to struggle from the 3p
line (0/14 combined) before the 14-13 by Troha. Cedevita goes ahead with another score of Edwards. Many bench
players on the floor and glory for the young Cazzolato who scores the 3p shot for the 19-15 and a mid-range shot for
the 21-18. The first half finishes on 23-21 after a nice shot of Rudez. This match is clearly ruined by the friendly
character of it, low intensity, many errors.
In the second half Treviso starts with Markovic, Cazzolato, Smith, Motiejunas and Nicevic while Cedevita puts on the
floor Draper, Wright, Bazdaric, Vukusic and Edwards.
Nicevic and Smith give the +7 to Treviso but Edwards brings the Croatians on -4. 30-27 on 26' after the free throws
of Bazdaric, then Brunner twice and Edwards score from the paint. 36-31 before the last minute of the quarter but
Troha scores from 3p line followed by Rudez for the lead of the Zagreb's team after 30 minutes, 36-37 with Cedevita
who seems more determined to win even for their great fan support.
But Treviso scores a 6-0 in the first two minutes of the quarter playing many possessions in the paint and receiving
also a flagrant foul. On 44-39 two 3pointers of Wright and Draper give the lead to Cedevita and the Croatian fans explode after a great block of Edwards. With 5' remaining there's a sort of overtime, 46-46 and the first who scores is Markovic followed by two free throws, but Vukusic brings Cedevita to -1 with 3' remaining. Many missed shots now and Edwards scores the 50-51 from the FT line and then finds the cut of Vukusic for the 52-53. Treviso answers with Smith, 54-53 with 1'15" remaining. The USA player gets fouled out and Draper scores the 54-55, 52". Bulleri misses the pass to Brunner and Cedevita has the possibility to close the game and uses it with Draper that drives and finds Wright for the 3-pointer of +4. Bulleri doesn't give up and scores a catch-and-shoot for the 57-58, 12" remaining. Then Markovic fouls Draper that misses twice but Edwards rebounds and grabs another foul from Markovic. 1/2 of Edwards, the final play is of Markovic who stops and shoots from 3p line but misses. The rebound is of Motiejunas but he can't score on the buzzer. 57-59 and Cedevita gets the podium of this Eurocup and celebrate with their numerous fans.
Jasmin Repesa (head coach, Benetton Treviso): "We were very upset after our defeat against Sevilla, so was tough for us to play today. I tried to give playing time to our young players, but Cedevita was more focused on the game so they won. I want to focus on the Italian championship now. The future of the club? We're pros so we have to do our job, but I think that Treviso deserves the Serie A, deserves this club and so me and the players must have our maximum effort to work for this club".
Aleksandar Petrovic (head coach, Cedevita Zagreb): "We are very happy for this game, we decided after our semifinal to change our playing style, to focus more on defense and fastbreaks, we did it, we won. I'm very happy of the performance of Edwards who played really well and he and Zizic will be very useful in our championship. We want to win it because we can play in Euroleague, even if we have to do many improvements to play in the Euroleague especially after playing against an EL-caliber team like Kazan".