Crucial days for Red Star
Pesic potrebbe rimanere alla guida della squadra serba

Svetislav Pesic and Red Star GM Milan Opacic had a meeting to decide the roster for the upcoming season and they estabilished also the budget to be competitive both in Serbia and in Eurocup.
Now the president Vucicevic has to give a final answer.
"Pesic and I worked on the roster for the next season. Our goal is to win in Serbia and in Eurocup. The budget is ambitious. this year was 3.4 millions of euro, next year should be 10% less or higher" said Opacic who also added that the Serbian team will look at a center and a playmaker.
A lot of are the rumors, from Golubovi to Alexander and from Teodosic to Avdalovic. Americans ended their contracts and are free, the same as Kovac. Dragicevic would leave if there will be a good proposal. The loans of Stevic and Markovic are expired.
The next days will be decisive for Red Star.