Bilbao is the last semifinalist
I baschi della Iurbentia l'ultima squadra a qualificarsi per le semifinali di Eurocup
Iurbentia Bilbao defeated 76-67 KK Zadar and advanced to semifinal where will face Russian Khimki winner of the first quarterfinal of the day.
Very tough game between the two team influnced by three referees and above all Italian Guerrino Cerebuch who whistled for the entire match also for his colleagues.
MVP for Iurbentia forward Salvia Guardia who closed the game with 9 points, 10 rebounds and 24 of index rating (Bilbao fans acclaimed him at the end as the MVP of the match). Another great performance for Bilbao has been played by Latvian playmaker Janis Blums who scored 21 points and ended with 21 of index rating.
Zadar, which had whistled 32 fouls against and finished with three players fouled out, had 17 points by Peric and 9+9 by Ruzic.