Euroleague Basketball holds Domestic Leagues Meeting, discuss future together
On December 20, 2016, eight Domestic Leagues and ULEB met with Euroleague Basketball executives to receive an update on the evolution of the premier European club competitions

On December 20, 2016, eight Domestic Leagues and ULEB met with Euroleague Basketball executives to receive an update on the evolution of the premier European club competitions – the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup – and to share views about future. Seven of the league and ULEB are Euroleague Commercial Assets shareholders.
Euroleague Basketball President and CEO, Mr. Jordi Bertomeu provided the attendees with a detailed report about the early results concerning both competitions. The Domestic Leagues highlighted that growth is also a common factor amongst most of them in the early stages of the 2016-17 season which shows bright signs surrounding the present and future of basketball.
Mr. Bertomeu also updated the Domestic League representatives on the latest developments of both the EuroLeague and EuroCup competitions as well as the current relationship with other basketball stakeholders.
Attendees also reviewed the proposed format and access criteria for the 2017-18 Euroleague Basketball competitions, which remains unaltered from the ones previously approved by the ECA Shareholders Meeting on April 29, 2016.
A draft 2017-18 EuroLeague and EuroCup calendar was shared with the Domestic Leagues and ULEB for their consideration and further discussion.
Domestic Leagues and Euroleague Basketball executives also held discussions on a number of other important topics for the development of clubs professional basketball.
The attendees to the meeting were: ULEB, the Adriatic Basketball Association; the Asociacion de Clubs de Baloncesto, the Basketball Bundesliga, the Lega Societa di Pallacanestro, the Ligue Nationale de Basketball, the Lietuvos Krepsinio Lyga, the Basketball Super League and the United Basketball League. The Hellenic Association of Basketball and the Polska Liga Kszykowki presented their apologies for not being able to join on this occasion.
Euroleague Basketball President and CEO, Mr. Jordi Bertomeu provided the attendees with a detailed report about the early results concerning both competitions. The Domestic Leagues highlighted that growth is also a common factor amongst most of them in the early stages of the 2016-17 season which shows bright signs surrounding the present and future of basketball.
Mr. Bertomeu also updated the Domestic League representatives on the latest developments of both the EuroLeague and EuroCup competitions as well as the current relationship with other basketball stakeholders.
Attendees also reviewed the proposed format and access criteria for the 2017-18 Euroleague Basketball competitions, which remains unaltered from the ones previously approved by the ECA Shareholders Meeting on April 29, 2016.
A draft 2017-18 EuroLeague and EuroCup calendar was shared with the Domestic Leagues and ULEB for their consideration and further discussion.
Domestic Leagues and Euroleague Basketball executives also held discussions on a number of other important topics for the development of clubs professional basketball.
The attendees to the meeting were: ULEB, the Adriatic Basketball Association; the Asociacion de Clubs de Baloncesto, the Basketball Bundesliga, the Lega Societa di Pallacanestro, the Ligue Nationale de Basketball, the Lietuvos Krepsinio Lyga, the Basketball Super League and the United Basketball League. The Hellenic Association of Basketball and the Polska Liga Kszykowki presented their apologies for not being able to join on this occasion.