2014-15 Eurocup Regular Season Draw criteria and procedure
The draw will be on Monday in Barcelona

Group Draw
The draw will be held according to seeds.
• The 36 teams qualified for the Eurocup Regular Season will be divided into two geographical conferences of 18 teams each, and the teams in each conference will be divided into six seeds with three teams in each.
• The performance of teams in European competitions during a three year period will be used. Each club will get 2 points for a win and 1 point for a tie or loss from the Regular Season onwards. 2 bonus points are allocated for reaching the last 16, 2 bonus points are allocated for reaching the last 8, 1 bonus point is allocated for reaching the last 4, 1 bonus point is allocated for reaching the Final. The Club Ranking consists of the sum of the club coefficients from the last three years. The results of the worst performing team from each country/League will be added together every year to create a position for that country/League in the Club Ranking. This is the lowest possible position that any club from that country/League can occupy in the draw.
• If two or more teams have the same Club Ranking, the tie will be resolved by the total number of wins during the three year period. Should a tie persist, the final standings in the Euroleague and if necessary Eurocup from the previous season will be used to break the tie. Should a tie still persist, the final standings in the Domestic Championship from the previous season (after the playoffs) will be used to break the tie. Should a tie still persist, a draw will be used to break the tie, with the Company determining the method for the draw.
• Within each conference, the first three teams from this Club Ranking participating in the Regular Season will be 1 Seeds, the next three 2 Seeds, the next three 3 Seeds, the next three 4 Seeds, the next three 5 Seeds, and the remaining three teams will be 6 Seeds.
Group Draw Restrictions
The restriction when drawing the teams into groups is the following:
• Two teams from the same country cannot coincide in the same Regular Season group until it is physically impossible to apply this restriction. For these purposes, teams coming from the Adriatic League will be considered as teams coming from the same country.
Group Draw Procedure
• Teams from one conference will be drawn one by one from an urn containing only those in the same Seed, from the 1 Seeds through to the 6 Seeds, until all 18 have been selected, and then the same process will be repeated for the other conference.
• For each spot drawn, the urn will be emptied and refilled with only those teams from the same Seed, taking into consideration any restrictions.
• When drawing teams from the 2 Seeds through to the 6 Seeds, only those teams from a country different than the ones already drawn into the Group will be placed in the urn.
• e.g.1. If a spot is to be drawn into a Group where there is already a team from a specific country, the teams from the country in question will not be placed in the urn.
• e.g.2. If a spot is to be drawn into a Group and a certain team(s) cannot be drawn in a later Group, this team(s) will be the only one(s) placed in the urn.
• A team may be placed directly into a Group in order to follow the restrictions mentioned above.
Drawing the teams as explained above, will allow restrictions to be respected until it is physically impossible, and will eliminate all possibilities of a blocked situation.
Calendar Draw
A random computer draw will determine the final position of teams within their group.
• The match-up calendar for the Regular Season will be drawn electronically by allocating letters from A to F to the teams of each group. This will establish the match-ups for the entire Regular Season.
• The Regular Season games will be held according to the following chart:
Round 1 F-C D-B E-A
Round 2 A-F B-E C-D
Round 3 F-D E-C A-B
Round 4 F-B C-A D-E
Round 5 E-F A-D B-C
Round 6 A-E B-D C-F
Round 7 D-C E-B F-A
Round 8 B-A C-E D-F
Round 9 E-D A-C B-F
Round 10 C-B D-A F-E
Non-Coincidence Letters: (when one team plays at home, the other plays away) A with B; B with F; C with E.