KK Zagreb said NO to Derrick Rose?
A confermarlo il direttore sportivo della squadra

Hrvoje Ciketiæ, sports director of KK Zagreb, in an interview at Mondo.rs, said that the Croatian team was in talks with Derrick Rose but the deal failed because for sponsor obligations, MVP of NBA regular season 2010-11 would have missed three Euroleague games.
"We were negotiating with NBA MVP Derrick Rose. We reached an economic agreement but we could not find an agreement about the games. Rose for sponsor obligations would have missed three Euroleague games. And we could not allow that" said Ciketic.
"We could afford the salary he asked to us" said Director of Communication of KK Zagreb, Damir Klekar. "Negotiations were stopped by our side (due to his sponsor duties). Such an investment would not be fair to do while we still have some debts with some of our players. But we solve the problem in the next days" added Klekar to Kosarka.org.
The idea was to have Rose for 22 games, all of them at Zagreb Arena, included the Euroleague games and the match in Ljubljana.