Svetislav Pesic and Ratko Varda to Crvena Zvezda?
La Stella Rossa prova a portare Pesic nuovamente in panchina

Crvena Zvezda (Red Star) is trying to bring back to the bench Svetislav Pesic. The Serbian coach made almost a miracle last season with PE Valencia taking the Spanish team close to Euroleague Final Four and to ACB playoffs (lost against Bilbao) after a very bad start of the season.
If Pesic joins again the Serbian team, there are big chance for Ratko Varda to return to Serbia. Red Star contacted the big man but he wants to wait for Pesic and then will try to agree to terms with the team. Also Asseco Prokom wants to keep Varda who averaged 9.8ppg and 5.4rpg in PLK with the Polish reigning champions.