Gurovic wants to play again for Red Star
Milan Gurovic non nasconde il sogno di voler giocare con la Stella Rossa

In an interview released at Sport, Milan Gurovic spoke on his future and his dream to play again for Red Star. The contract with Galatasaray expired and Gurovic is now free agent.
"I love Red Star, I have a great feeling for Red and White Jersey. I would go back but it depends on coach Pesic. Here I am" said Gurovic. "Money is not a problem. I would go to Red Star to help young players. I don't want to stay on the court for 40 minutes but for 10-15 minutes. I would be important in practices. I think that with 2/3 important additions Red Star will be stronger than Partizan. My contract with Galatasary is expired, I am free agent now".