Marko Milic: 'I am disappointed to leave in this way'
Marko Milic ha parlato del suo taglio da parte dell'Olimpia Lubiana 'accusando' il neo allenatore Zdovc

Marko Milic during a press conference has thanked the fans and the media, and explained that the cut surprised him, because his plans were different: "I was still under contract. I am disappointed to leave in this way. President Dušan Mitič was correct, while about Zdovc I would not talk"
At the questions on his future he said: "I don't know what it is going to happen. I can play again in a week or a month, maybe I will never play basketball." His agent Boris Gorenc has already received several offers.
And what said his family? "My wife was shocked, but happy because I can now spend more time with my family." He added: "In Slovenia, probably I will never play with, I will continue playing abroad, if I get a proper offer"
Milko has also said what happened in the club during the last weeks: "After last season, we have agreed to a two-year contract. When Zdovc came, between us there was no real contact. I thought he would have given me time to come back after an injury then join my teammates. As well as in the exercises and games there was evidence that I wasn't going to have an important role, so I decided to meet him. Zdovc told me that we have a different philosophy of basketball. Between us there was no real contact. I had the intention to become a mentor to young players and here we have some fantastic talent.
Rumors from Slovenia say that he has already some good offers from Italy and Russia.