ABA Liga Round 3 MVP: Luka Bozic (Zadar)
Bozic is the MVP of Round 3

At the match of the 3rd round between MZT Skopje Aerodrom and Zadar, Luka Božić achieved 16 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, a block and a valuation of 32 in 40 minutes spent on court. He had the higher valuation this round amongst all ABA League players that stepped on the floor.
However, fact that Božić did not use his quality just to rise on the top of the statistical categories, but also helped his team to beat MZT Skopje Aerodrom, is what earned him the MVP of the round honours.
Take a look at some of the fancy plays made by Luka Božić during his performance against MZT Skopje Aerodrom:
However, fact that Božić did not use his quality just to rise on the top of the statistical categories, but also helped his team to beat MZT Skopje Aerodrom, is what earned him the MVP of the round honours.
Take a look at some of the fancy plays made by Luka Božić during his performance against MZT Skopje Aerodrom: