Milton Jennings leaves MZT Skopje
The player will not play in FYROM

After only a month MZT Skopje and Milton Jennings reached an agreement to interrupt the contract stipulated for the 2015 season.
Jennings spent last year in Italy (A2 Silver) with Ferrara closing the first pro-season with 12.5 points, 7.7 rebounds and 1.1 assists in 39 games.
Jennings spent last year in Italy (A2 Silver) with Ferrara closing the first pro-season with 12.5 points, 7.7 rebounds and 1.1 assists in 39 games.
Милтон Џенингс веќе не е дел од #МЗТ Скопје Аеродром. MZT Skopje Aerodrom and Milton Jennings part ways.
— MZT SKOPJE AERODROM (@kkmztskopje) 16 Settembre 2014