J.R. Smith's sister brawls during game in China
La sorella del giocatore lancia prima una bottiglia in campo accendendo un parapiglia

J.R. Smith's time in China has been a bit strange. Or really, it's just very J.R. Smith. He faked a knee injury to try and get out of his contract early on, but otherwise, has been tearing it up.
This time, it wasn't Smith who did something, but his sister. According to reports, after Smith was fouled, his sister threw a bottle onto the court. And then freaked out, choking a woman and shoving an 80-year-old. The game had to be stopped and Smith actually went into the stands to try and restrain his sister.
Following the game, angry fans of the other team -- the Bayi Rockets, also known as the Chinese military team that brawled with Georgetown -- demanded an apology and actually held up Smith's team's bus for 45 minutes.