Al Qadsia clinches the 29th GCC's title
La squadra del Kuwait trionfa con un canestro allo scadere

Hosts Al Qadsia from Kuwait succeeded to win the final game of the 29th Gulf Clubs Championship yesterday after beating Qataris Al Rayyan 69-67.
The American center Joel Box (205-C-84, agency: Pro Management Agency, college: Quincy) made a good appointment with the basket in the last 2 seconds to sntatch this hard win adding to that the big offer of help made by Abdullah Al Sarraf (194-F-82) and Saqer Abdel Rida most of the minutes in the game.
From the other side, Boney Watson (183-G, college: Sam Houston St.) did all what he can to avoid the loss from his team but that did'nt help much esspecially in the last moments of the 4th quarter.
Meanwhile, Al Jahraa of Kuwait took the 3rd place when they succeeded to defeat Al Wasl from UAE 93-75.