Qingdao-Shanxi: Tyler challenges Haddadi, Von Wafer throws a chair
Hot temerature after Shanxi's elimination

In a physical game where Qingdao eliminated Shanxi in the first round of the playoffs Von Wafer and Jeremy Tyler could not keep their tempers in check. After various incidents throughout the game tempers where high. Nearing the end of the game Von Wafer Knee Checked the opposing guard down to the floor and was immediately ejected from the game, on his way to the locker room he picked up a empty chair near the officials table and threw it past security guards. Hamed Haddadi came to Jeremy Tyler to forgive about the hate that occured during the game, but to his surprise Jeremy Tyler pushed him out of the way and they again exchanged unfriendly words. Without further video coverage but pictures released online revealed Jeremy Tyler storming towards the away team locker room asking for Hamed Haddadi to come out.
And the fight between the teams continued outside the locker rooms: