Xiaobin: Raduljica's aversion to contact is only short term. We improved camarderie
The Serbian big man is having difficulties in China

This is what coach Gong Xiabon said about Miroslav Raduljica (via CBA China.Sports.Sohu):
“We did a lot - - - for his character and playing style,” Gong Xiaobin said.
"When he (Raduljica) played on the Serbia National Team, the ability of his teammates helped him and made up for deficiencies in his game play. He plays very smart, has a very good mind about him when he is on the court. But his defense has been sluggish at times, not eager for physical contact and or to fight for position on the low post. So we've seen our rebound protection not as good good over the last few games, and he should take some responsibility for that."
"We arrived in Chengdu yesterday, and our whole team had a dinner together, all the team communicated well, and that made us to play more together (tonight). And we talked with him (Raduljica), saying we need him to make some change. He should play harder, including more play on the high post. We need him to "hold steady" in the paint both on offense and defense, helping address needs for rebounds, low post offense and attracting double team - - - he must improve in these areas."
We deeply apologized to Miroslav Raduljica and his Chinese team for having mistranslated the statement made by the head coach Gong Xiabon.