Jabari Parker molto frustrato per lo scarso minutaggio
Il giocatore dei Bucks si è sfogato con i giornalisti

Jabari Parker was very animated talking about his frustration right now with limited minutes. He mentioned the only way to see the floor more was to be on the “coach’s good side”. When asked if he was on Prunty’s good side, he smirked and said “I don’t think so.” #Bucks
— Stephen Watson (@WISN_Watson) 19 aprile 2018
"I'm human. I deserve to be out there... I'm not going to handle it well, I have feelings. I've been waiting two years, I've been waiting all that time and to see myself get cut short, no one is going to handle that the right way."
— Stephen Watson (@WISN_Watson) 19 aprile 2018
Here's Jabari Parker on his frustration: pic.twitter.com/uW334ErtFt