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NCAA 08/07/2016, 15.15 Rumors

Larry Brown lascia la panchina di SMU

Il coach sarà rimpiazzato da Jankovich

Larry Brown lascia la panchina di SMU.
Il coach verrà rimpiazzato da Tim Jankovich.
© Riproduzione riservata
E. Carchia

E. Carchia

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  • Rio 08/07/2016, 16.10 Mobile
    Citazione ( CelticLG 08/07/2016 @ 15:25 )

    Larry Brown wanted a long-term deal, but SMU wasn't willing to do so. 75 years old and academic fraud investigation while at SMU.... che uomo...

    Smettila di belare, caprone

  • CelticLG 08/07/2016, 15.25 Mobile

    Larry Brown wanted a long-term deal, but SMU wasn't willing to do so. 75 years old and academic fraud investigation while at SMU.... che uomo...